Thursday, March 31, 2005

Washington News: 3/31/05

Bid to toughen child abuse laws falters
3 found guilty of hate crime for assaulting gay man
I-90 monorail gets thumbs down
State's new tax target: Canned meat
Senate OKs $26 billion state budget
Youth smoking in state down by nearly half
Readers offer their personal accounts of having to make a choice on life support
Abnormal flame retardant levels in Sound fish
Rules would waterlog speedboats
Budget, tax time brings out the greediness in us

Oregon News: 3/31/05

Lottery chief alters proposal
State not likely to change school-funding formula
Despite Measure 37 rulings, some Marion County residents remain in a land-use limbo
Revised paychecks disappoint teachers
Something in the Water
4 advocacy groups may merge into single panel
Annexation bill lands on Senate floor
Tre Arrow, The Straight Arrow
Portland delays FBI showdown
Kulongoski ups ante for schools
Minnis urges fixed K-12 funding
'Pax' sits near apex of a protest, halts traffic with oversize tripod
Plans would lift schools budget
Searching garbage requires warrant, appeals court rules
Compromise reached over Marine photograph
Man protesting salvage logging blocks traffic downtown
Human-services leader will address city club

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Washington News: 3/30/05

Freedom Socialist to run against Drago
List of casualties with Washington state ties
Fired librarians file suit against King County
Salmon-timber deal? Your chance to air views on plan
In the Northwest: Politicians bridge political divide to save 'paradise'
Legislation would keep insurers from denying travel coverage
Taxing estates of wealthy ‘sensible,’ says Gates’ dad
Spam: It’s what’s for the budget deficit
Gregoire vows to save Sound
Senate OKs $26 billion state budget despite partisan scrap

Oregon News: 3/30/05

Chief wants city in FBI force
Dueling court rulings leave PERS in limbo
Bills push teens to bite obesity bullet
Capitol hearings often leave public playing waiting game
PERS rulings to cost $2.1 billion
Web site gives scores, other details on schools
Bill would add benefits for jobless
Lawmakers implored to avoid school cuts
Senate acts to reduce supplement use by teens
Patriot Act was used to investigate lawyer
House will vote on bill to increase exemption threshold on estate tax

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Washington News: 3/29/05

Family life' classes urged for schools
'Death, sin' taxes proposed by State Democrats
County weighs oversight plan for elections
Woman charged in e-mail threats to Gregoire
Measure aims to help more afford college
Senate hears stem cell testimony
Sin taxes key to Democrats’ plan

Oregon News: 3/29/05

Governor candidate's ties to Goldschmidt may hurt campaign
Committee hears debate on junk food in schools
Portland may start ripple effect in FBI terror force vote
Saxton Governor campaign begins
Rep. Patti Smith & Con. Walden turn up heat on meth fight
Bill defends local Measure 37 claims in Southern Or.
Bill would freeze cost of higher education
Bill would reduce tuition for the undocumented
‘Clean money’ plan revised to avoid abuses
Mannix says he'll make an issue out of Saxton's Goldschmidt ties
Potter rebuffs pageant, saying it's not open to all
Restaurants push to reduce minimum wage for employees
Fish conservation strategy makes waves
Wash. Co. Landfill files Measure 37 claim
More kids unsupervised after school in Oregon
OSU-Cascades a low priority of Legislature

Monday, March 28, 2005

Washington News: 3/28/05

Senate budget: 'Super-size' it with tax on smokes, booze
Moms push for family leave bill but businesses oppose it
Schiavo case puts nation's sanity on life support
One pastor's plea for life amid national soul-searching
Flexcar expands to help low-income in job hunts
Shroud could be lifted off political ads
Bill targets credit cards at colleges
Teaming up against MS

Oregon News: 3/28/05

Schools budget is taking shape
GOP wants to settle labor case
Tax Alert: Stop blaming voters for politicians budget mess
Compromise pushed for malpractice reform
Cougar hunt bill advances
Music festival cancelled after tax dispute with state
Sen. Wyden asks for cool on end-of-life debate
Biofuels station will offer gas alternatives
Exemptions sought in state's open-records laws
La Pine's first Measure 37 claim filed
Lawmakers may outlaw foie gras
Oregon's new jobs largely bring low pay

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Washington News: 3/27/05

Tax hike would up prices at pump
Roll Call

Oregon News: 3/27/05

Today's Capitol schedule
Living wage conference April 8-9 in Bend
Springfield homeowner finds racial epithet in house
Editorial: Rant against double-majority
Editorial: State shouldn't mandate cavity-fighting chemical
Opinion: Getting past 'respectable' bigotry
Push to merge schools an unproven experiment
Challenging Wal-Mart:-The California model
State budget deal ... in June?
Bike park a distant possibility
Citizens glad to be part of process
Gas prices: Drivers use wrong vehicle to express frustration
Oregon: After taking up issue earlier than rest of nation, state's residents put a priority on deciding their own fates
Rogue Ales barred from using U.S. flag in its ads

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Washington News: 3/26/05

Workers find bones that may be mammoth's
Mill where man died had earlier safety problems
State land eyed for Alaska gas pipeline
Programs aim to lure more outdoors
Governor reports for jury duty but doesn't serve
Judge sets hearing in election voting case
Absent lawmakers say Congress had no place in Schiavo case
Leave Schiavo matter to family, readers say

Oregon News: 3/26/05

It's wrong to blame voters for state's woes!
Burnside redevelopment project could translate to new jobs

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Washington: 3/23/05

Wife of sailor battles U.S. over abortion
Smokers say planned tax increase is a drag
Bill would require crime witnesses to call for help
State ending program that helps doctors find malpractice insurance
House gives women home, hope for new life
Judge denies tax collector recall attempt
Executive board of state GOP endorses Eyman’s audit initiative

Oregon: 3/23/05

Lawmakers try to prioritize aspects of education funding
Bill addresses federal tax changes
Walden Aide Receives Award on Rural Health Issue
Florida case has Oregonians seeking a say on care
73-year-old woman denied state benefits again
Lawmakers consider ‘fire safe' cigarettes
Rep. Dalto to hold health care town hall
Local Salem lawmakers to update constituents about session
Official day would honor farmworker leader Cesar Chavez
Sen. Morse blames voters for budget woes
Bill would require proof of citizenship for license
Sen. Atkinson works to keep rivers clean
Castillo urges delegation to oppose cuts
Is the cigarette tax a sustainable tax base?
Kulongoski seeks rigorous schools
Food processors seek help from Legislature

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Washington: 3/22/05

Gregoire budget avoids big cuts
No major increases in health programs
Coalition asks U.S. court for salmon protection
King County Republicans call for election of vote chief
Senators who know the struggle aim bills at helping dyslexic students
State workers in 10 units file to leave unions

Washington: 3/22/05

State officials may ask voters to scrap double-majority rule
Bill supports equal time for mental health
House votes to required fluoridated water
Smith bill extends drought provisions
Assisted-suicide law could be threatened
Initial offers from state, unions far apart
Multnomah Village protests high-density town homes
Early-morning sessions criticized
Gov. Kulongoski tries to lessen impact of drought
Sen. Kruse: GOP's first minority report issued

Friday, March 18, 2005

Washington News: 3/18/05

Rossi list of felons has legal voters, too
Revenue forecast a boon for state budget
State at fault for crash, couple says in lawsuit
Democrats still looking for votes -- just in case
In the Northwest: In 'coffee' test, Sims left some with bitter aftertaste
Degree of sonar harm to marine mammals debated
ACLU sues agents over Iraqi refugee's arrest
Parking-enforcement company shut down for clamping cars
Deaths related to prescription drugs on rise, report shows
State budget looks brighter
School secession case could get new hearing

Oregon News: 3/18/05

Dorothy English wins Measure 37 claim
Driver's license safeguards urged
Lawmakers move to ease restrictions on land use
Sen. Smith bucks party, opposes Medicaid cuts
Ballot includes local boards, 2 measures
Children flex their voting muscles
City's green-energy aspirations start with tiny turbine
Governor gives educators assignment
Multnomah County considers selling some property
State aims to lower costs of medicine
State workers rally for help with rising health costs
Tax collections worst in state
Oregon House OKs ‘right-to-build' bill
Dorothy English wins Measure 37 claim

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Washington News: 3/17/05

Senate OKs oil drilling in Alaska's ANWR
Higher revenue may be in forecast
A thousand midlevel managers face Gregoire's cuts
Board orders all Seattle schools evaluated for possible closure
House OKs tough auto emission standards
GOP list of felons challenged
House advances public-disclosure bill
House passes transportation bill; Senate unveils own plan
Housing vouchers might disappear under budget ax
If city fathers eat with lobbyists, we want to know
Was it the John Kerry crowd or apathy?
County tax increases could fund teacher salaries under House bill
Senate derails amendment for easier school levies, bonds

Oregon News: 3/17/05

Audits Report: $60 Million Spent on Testing, calls for ending CIM/CAM
Clackamas County OKs four Measure 37 requests
District pays 10 grand for not-so-grand haircut
House OKs farmland building
Oregonians are lukewarm on Kulongoski
Budget priority questions arise at state mental hospital
How the PGE deal collapsed Parks may seek 2006 levy
Senate votes to drill in refuge
Senate panel considers payday loan restrictions
Judge considers opening SAIF records
State bar clears prosecutor over Kerry ad
Today's Statehouse schedule
House passes land-use proposal
Democrats propose reserve fund
Senate passes plan to give tax collectors $8.8 million
Public opinion mixed about governor

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Washington News: 3/16/05

Democrats furiously fight move into ANWR
Legislature hears plans to retire KeyArena debt
House OKs mail-only elections
Chatting on a cell phone while driving could get costly
Veteran allegedly gambled away Legion money
In the Northwest: The Arctic refuge and public are about to get drilled
Parents sue maker of bulldozer that killed local protester in Mideast
Bill to let UW consider race in admissions has uphill battle
House passes transportation bill; Senate unveils own plan
Wildlife commission gets four new faces
State Senate approves cell phone bill
Bill to offer paid leave gets OK, moves to House

Oregon News: 3/16/05

GOP plan would eliminate CIM and CAM
Student rap-song on Wolf policy outrages rural Oregonians
Hearing-impaired press lawmakers for improved services
Washington House OKs mail-only elections
County OKs ordinance to handle Measure 37
Intel isn't holding all the chips in tax talks
Judge denies logging halt; closure widened
Walden Turns Up Heat Over Power Rate Plan
Hearing today on Measure 37
Senate bill would limit fees charged for paycheck advances
Walden sponsors ESA update bill

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Washington News: 3/15/05

Monorail fares may rise to pay for fire damage
Democrats weigh in on medical malpractice
About 660 votes cast without verification
Senators draft measure to allow tax increases by only a majority vote
Tally of mishandled ballots grows
Bill would change rules on tax votes
EPA rules aim to cut mercury emissions
Strict curbs on vehicle emissions fuel debate
California's law barring same-sex marriage unconstitutional, judge rules
Blocking access to credit files aim of bill
City looks to turn garbage to energy

Oregon News: 3/15/05

Republicans call Governor to end salmon lawsuit
Democrats, Republicans offer alternatives to rival malpractice initiatives
Bill would curb 'sweetheart' deals
Sen. Smith would block Medicaid cuts
Republicans urge Kulongoski to drop lawsuit about Oregon dams
GOP pipeline to top office trickles
Mult. County faces four Measure 37 claims
Measure 37 claims will test Linn on land law
Portland squirms toward Measure 37
Willamette affirmative-action debate reinforces strong beliefs
Activists again try to slow logging of fire-killed timber
Order limits logging site access
Unemployment rate edges up despite strong job gains
Beaverton drafts plan for packed schools
Board votes to close 2 schools
Man leaves $4 million to group for Columbia Gorge conservation
LTD, union prepare to get on road again

Monday, March 14, 2005

Washington News: 3/14/05

Abortion issue stalls bill to regulate body piercing
Election case poses many potential conflicts of interest for justices
County voting chief: Inquiry supports staff
State Patrol hosts meeting on protecting against ID theft
Tri-Citians play key role in Latino power in state GOP
Cantwell makes Tri-City pitch for sales tax credit extension

Oregon News: 3/14/05

Audit finds possible savings in Medicaid
Portland schools may drop tax
Records law provides newspaper a window into government
Across Oregon, requests were met with suspicion
Senate GOP: Odds of Heffernan's reappointment improve
Linn County lacking in public records audit
Rep. Berger: Public Expresses Annoyance with School Zone law
Lawmakers find ways to sidestep public-records law
Wyden vows fight on bid to ban assisted suicide
Critics say Wyden has flip-flopped on Medicare
Rep. Richardson: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Washington News: 3/12/05

Senate passes bill that would ease families' access to medical information
Senate OKs $350 million bill for health research
House approves child-protection bill
Republicans stymie bills aimed at better elections
More jumbled election numbers
PUD claims $122 million win in case over Enron
House passes UWT bill
Senate says no to earlier primary
House OKs its version of branch campus bill
Gregoire science fund gets big Senate victory The Life Sciences Discovery Fund, proposed by Gov. Christine Gregoire, passes the state Senate. She says it could create 20,000 jobs.

Oregon News: 3/12/05

Audit finds possible savings in Medicaid program
Wyden seeks Medicare change
Farming family files $37 million Measure 37 claim against county
Governor appoints director of PR
Land-use bill to serve as response to Measure 37
LUBA sends Wal-Mart case back to Medford
Measure 37 questions loom over gorge
Poor salmon runs spark catch battles
Land-use bill to serve as response to Measure 37

Friday, March 11, 2005

Washington News: 3/11/05

Wal-Mart off the school-supply list
Governor declares drought emergency
Senate passes mental health reform
Senate OKs bill to clarify Initiative 297
Highway bill would aid Mid-Columbia

Oregon News: 3/11/05

Oregon rejects Texas Pacific bid for PGE
PERS funding questions far from settled
Regulators deny PGE purchase
Gov's remarks on PUC ruling on PGE
Today's Statehouse schedule
Washington County readies for comment on Measure 37 rules
Homeless advocates fear local ‘backlash’
Residents vote to retain vacation-home rental rules
Foes of smoking push for ban in bars
High court clarifies rights of foreigners
Oregon is a winner with U.S. House highway bill

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Washington News: 3/10/05

Gregoire makes it official: we have a drought
Mandated insurance coverage a 'great leap forward' for mental health
Pros and cons of school closures argued at hearing
Gas tax increase pushed
Drug war strategy assailed at forum
House seeks contribution limits for judge races
School construction bond bill moves ahead
Mega Life and Health Insurance told to stop business in state
Legislators approve consumer-protection bills
Bill would tax gasoline to fix highways
Mad cow bills moving in Legislature
Plutonium cleanup takes next step

Oregon News: 3/10/05

PERS retirees applaud ruling but admit uncertainties
PERS ruling puts Medford police station project on back burner
Plaintiffs unsure about the effect of PERS ruling
Retirees must wait for PERS paybacks
All parties weigh options after failure of fire levy
Economy blamed for state's hunger
Bill targets coverage for mental illnesses
Photo radar bid hits roadblock
School enrollment inches up
Students press state for tax break
List of bills would tighten tobacco, smoking limits
Two bills will toughen penalties for dangerous dogs

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Washington News: 3/9/05

Court hears arguments on same-sex marriage
King County names 99 felons who voted illegally
In the Northwest: Bush budget will devastate social services in state
House speaker reverses course on union-backed bill
Senate OKs bill that allows some trapping
Players in case ready reactions to ruling
Same-sex marriage debate hits state Supreme Court
Gregoire appoints new DSHS director
Harriet Tubman will live again through elementary students
Bill dealing with schools, sex offenders approved
Primary date might stay put

Oregon News: 3/9/05

Political Notebook
Portland joins farmworker fight
Wal-Mart opposition forms new group
Committee grills nominee AuCoin
Today's statehouse schedule
Con. Blumenauer urges probe into company's role in terror war
'Dangerous dog' bills gain high profile
Financial effect worries officials
PERS Ruling is a relief to many employees
Some state workers reconsidering futures
Rep. Olson gets House to OK bill on sex crimes
Selma march relevant to DeFazio today
State kills 23,600 sick chinook
Wyden seeks longer specialty hospital moratorium
League of women voters against toxic discharge
Inquiry sought for corporate-CIA link

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Washington News: 3/8/05

Speaker of the House reroutes union-backed bill
Senate passes election-overhaul bill
Seattle City Council approves tax break for more low-rent apartments
Families want Guard excused from Iraq
Panel considers mail-only ballots
TPU board will consider 7.2% electric rate increase
Gas prices wallop wallets
GOP’s election reform amendments pass Senate The state Senate passes Republican amendments to the election reform package. The changes would crack down on illegal voters.
Donors seek land-use changes
USGS says smelter source of waste
Study: Water cuts to cost millions

Oregon News: 3/8/05

Oregon Republicans’ straw poll snubs Mannix
Lawmakers propose bill to tighten ballot-counting procedure
Immigration debate stirs emotions
Gay spouses' future uncertain a year after marriages began
Pear is pitched as an Oregon symbol
School speed zone laws face changes again
Today's statehouse schedule
Business turns less tolerant of affairs
Oregon Senate Takes On Childhood Obesity
Religious groups rally for social services
Tribes press case on gaming
Arrests curb Biscuit protest
Rep. Hass & Sen. Westlund: Chalkboard's retreat leaves hard choices
Author lectures on moral values and the religious right
Seven arrested in Oregon timber protest

Monday, March 07, 2005

Washington News: 3/7/05

Public projects often drive out small businesses
In The Northwest: Teresa Heinz Kerry hasn't lost her outspoken way
NAACP gains ally on legislation to revive race as factor in admissions
Seattle marchers back gay marriage
State Supreme Court prepares to rule on gay marriage
School bond measures on Tuesday's ballot
Budget stakes higher with rising health costs

Oregon News: 3/7/05

Gov. Ted Kulongoski takes unusual route to fill top jobs
Dorchester: Walden edges Mannix in unofficial GOP poll for governor
Social-issue conservatives losing races for GOP
Rep. Richardson: Bi-Partisan Politics In Salem?
Truck lobby battles coastal towns
Two lawmakers propose a fee on studded tires
Grocer alliance leader Gilliam hatched Bucket Plan
Grocers pay hefty bill to stock up on political clout
Rep. Thatcher: House passes bill to aid Oregon soldiers
Wyden aims to encourage safe electronic recycling
Today's Capitol schedule
Depot destruction proceeds

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Washington News: 3/6/05

GOP cries foul over campaign limits bill
Fort Lewis soldier killed in Mosul attack
Bill would pay new parents at home
legislature halfway report

Oregon News: 3/6/05

Waiting for documentation
Only thing developed by Measure 37 is a headache
Revamping education system a needed change
Bill would fund bridge work
Ready for the superschool
Meeting of Oregon's GOP taps veteran of Washington battle

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Washington News: 3/5/05

Pierce County land will protect salmon
State tax revenue higher than expected
Smoking-ban backers seek state vote
'HOT lanes' bill passes in House
House OKs 'all or nothing' sex-ed plan
Democrats charge GOP list of 'illegal' votes full of errors
Work program helps the jobless adapt
Arsenic leaking near wells
Auditors find many errors by Sumner
Measure blocks high schools from abstinence-only sex ed
Bill makes it easier for counties to switch to mail-only voting

Oregon News: 3/5/05

Records: Lobbyists spent $15 million last year
Hearing on voter ID stirs heated debate
Legislators compromise on spending target
Budget deal warms halls of Capitol
Failed assisted suicide raises questions
Forest bills echo defeated measure, opponents say
Lawmaker proposes fee for studded tires
Lawmakers restart effort to create a reserve fund
Lawmakers seek to contain skyrocketing hospital costs
Lawmakers tap surplus funds of senior programs
Safe water at stake in saga of two shipyards

Friday, March 04, 2005

Washington News: 3/4/05

State fails the sickest patients
Gregoire: U.S. cuts hurt state
Senators declare that plan to boost Northwest power rates is dead
Democratic party's campaign-finance reports again are filed late
Edgewood must take petitions on utility tax
District puts limited freeze on hiring in budget crisis
Bill would let you donate tax refund to parks system
GOP unveils ineligible voter list
Secretary of state vows election reform
Border tax issue heats up
Legislature reaches 'marking point'

Oregon News: 3/4/05

Legislature leaders reach deal on budget
Alternatives for schools debated
Rally pushes for gay unions
Tabs add up as lobbyists wine and dine
School lobby practiced in art of facing reality
Activists slinging mud at Water Bureau
Bill would put an extra fee on studded tire use
Chalkboard scratches plans for Legislature
House committee approves building-rights bill
Senate hears testimony about two forest bills
Oregonians sign up for citizen border patrol

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Washington News: 3/3/05

A plan to use tobacco funds for budget gap
Task force urges earlier primary
Rail strike in Texas delays Sounder
House bill would require summer school or passage of WASL
Lawmakers might raise gift ceiling an extra $25
Running in place won’t help avoid budget realities
Insurers overcharged physicians $1.3 million
Taxes to close budget gap?
Anti-gay remarks fuel call for action

Oregon News: 3/3/05

State launches prescription drug discount program
Gay couples assess gains on marriage anniversary
Two bills proposed to protect forest land
Rule on Portland lobbyists is a work in progress
Linn won't make changes to its Measure 37 ordinance
House passes bill to cut payroll taxes
House panel passes transportation bill with $217 million for region
Senate panel considers measures to alter kicker refunds
Court backs atheist in Scout-recruiting case
Republicans to gather for weekend retreat
AARP chief opposes Social Security plan
today's statehouse schedule
Land use opinion clouds new law

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Washington News: 3/2/05

More drivers than ever talking on phones
Legislators race today's deadline to get bills through
Rein in Patriot Act, some legislators urge
$5,000 federal reward offered in clinic arson
No malpractice crisis, report says
Lecture will cover Puget Sound, national security issues
Slew of property rules rolls out
Scientists urge feds to keep sending waste to Hanford

Oregon News: 3/2/05

Parties start early on budget bickering
Bill would make PGE state-chartered utility
State official: Measure 37 claims aren't transferable
Groups want Oregon troops home
AARP leader to talk on Social Security
Fishermen get role in irrigation lawsuit
State says waivers on land can't be sold
Oregon schools honored for closing achievement gap
Court halts executions for killers under 18
Jobless rate falls more than half point
Democrats want to cut the cuts
Charges set in Hemstreet hunting case

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Washington News: 3/1/05

Gregoire makes case for military bases
House unanimous: pregnant women have right to divorce
Legislator proposes extending monorail tax to new cars
New gas tax plan calls for hike of 4 cents
Bill could give bikers free pass through traffic
KeyArena tax bill has likely fouled out
Slew of property rules rolls out

Oregon News: 3/1/05

Same-sex marriage a year later: For better or worse?
Commissioner pushes for shake-up of planning staff
Preventing child sex abuse is target of two new bills
Political Notebook
Women’s health bills head to Senate
Measure 37 claims swamp Linn County staff
Hooley takes meth fight national
Senate Democrats push for higher education spending
Cell phone tax gets a call back
Oregon unemployment falls, economy improves
Statehouse schedule
State aid to schools generates skirmish