Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Digital Politics forum tonight in Portland

This event listing is from the left leaning Blue Oregon Blog:

The Bus Project and Loaded

Digital Politics: How technology is transforming the
political playing field

It’s an evening of eye-poppingly awesome infotainment moderated by
renowned author, blogger, and political strategist David Sirota, and sponsored by the Portland Mercury

Also featuring:Kari Chisholm from Blue Oregon & Mandate Media Anna Galland from MoveOn.org, Amy Ruiz from the Portland Mercury, David Goldstein from horsesass.org and KIRO-FM Seattle and everyone’s favorite (or most hated) office assistant, Clippy from MS Word!

When and Where:

Tuesday, May 15th, 7pm
Acme Food & Drink
1305 SE 8th Ave (SE 8th and Main)
Portland, Oregon