Saturday, April 30, 2005
Washington News: 4/30/05
Now, Democrats turn up 428 felons who voted
Parents pick a school, hoping it won't be closed
Federal agency fined over nuclear sludge
Railroad, Idaho clash over safety of depot
Indian tribes seek approval to kill salmon-eating sea lions
Vague reporting obscures agendas of lobbyists' clients
Solution to high health cost eluded lawmakers
Public can meet council candidate at gathering of Democrats club
Slew of property rules rolls out
Core drilling starts at FFTF
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Oregon State Elections Lists PNWP On Oregon Votes
Pacific Northwest Project is now listed on Oregon Votes website maintained by Oregon Election Division. The site maintains information and resources on voting in Oregon. Please visit the site for more information.
Oregon News: 4/28/05
Kulongoski makes pitch for civil-union legislation
Reciprocal benefits, civil unions compete
Richardson plays ‘Hardball’ on civil unions
Budget gap vexes lawmakers
First lady visiting NE Portland to spotlight children's program
Bill would limit hikes in the minimum wage
Doyle now faces criminal inquiry
Effort may hinder PGE deal
Oregon lawmakers prioritize and compromise on way to new budget
Portland's vote on FBI force could have fallout
Candidate has criminal record
Firefighters lobby for fire-safe cigarette bill
Walker plan gives senators more clout
Downtown Salem parking tax put on hold
Salmon advocates, feds spar about dams
Burley joins local leaders in Pitching Central Oregon initiative to Governor
Washington News: 4/28/05
Pierce County reveals uncounted votes
Legislation makes animal neglect a felony
Seattle schools find $9 million in savings but still face deficit
Plan for gas pipeline generates resistance in Thorp
Oregon lawmakers urged to pass gay rights bill
Judge hears salmon-recovery case
Governors team up to cope with threat of huge wildfires
HUD cuts off grants to Tulalip TribesNew vote flaws come to light
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Oregon News: 4/27/05
Ex-Rep. Doyle will face criminal inquiry
Can The Two Leaders Overcome Their Divide?
School officials vent about funding dispute
Boycott dims Gervais candidate fair
New Portland teachers face threat of pink slips
Oregon teachers union elects new president
Kulongoski seeks tougher air standards
House panel struggles on campaign finance bill
State hunts cougar
Wood Village officials thinking about a 1 percent sales tax
Washington News: 4/27/05
High gas prices really sting low-wage workers
North Bay may be in for land-use makeover
An elementary plea: 'Save Montlake!'
Concerns over the safety of shellfish beds
Large tax increase for Hospital District No. 1 passing
Spokane extends domestic partner benefits
Conservation group to buy climbing area
Pet license amnesty, spay special announced
Socialist candidate can keep donors' names private
Parties will sue over primary
Scope of King County ballot blunders remains mystery
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Oregon News: 4/26/05
Bipartisan budget negotiations resume
Gift-card grab gets Senate OK
Mannix challenges utility-purchase plan
Marion commissioners consider what to do with medical waste
Portland trims teaching jobs
Legislature considers undoing ‘time, place and manner’ law
Senate seeks bigger role in appointments
AG announces sentencing on health care fraud conviction
Gorge panel wants court's take on Measure 37
Kulongoski puts emissions plan in gear
Portland mayor leaves chief out of loop
Council to vote on task force pullout
Political Notebook
Foes differ over school choice debate
Monday, April 25, 2005
Oregon: Three Upcoming Political Rallies
Rally for Social Security in Portland
The fight to save Social Security is tilting our way, but it's far
from over. So, here's another opportunity to have your voice heard on
the issue, at a key moment.
On Tuesday, April 26, 2005, Oregon United to Protect Social Security
is organizing a large rally in Portland to coincide with the Senate
Finance Committee's hearing discussing proposals to privatize Social
Security in Washington, DC. In addition to the rally in Portland,
rallies will be held in over 30 states and Washington, DC on that
day. By attending the rally we can make it clear to our members of
Congress that Social Security privatization is wrong and unacceptable.
Oregon United to Protect Social Security's Rally for Social Security
in Portland
Date: Tuesday, April 26th, 2005 Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Outside Sen. Gordon Smith's Office, Portland World Trade
Center, 121 SW Salmon Street, Portland, OR 97204, Portland, OR 97204
Contact Information: If you have any questions or to RSVP, please
contact: Ed Yoon at 213-503-5455 or
Rally to "Stop the Judicial Takeover"
Any day now, radical Republicans are hoping to seize absolute power
to appoint Supreme Court justices who favor right-wing, corporate
interests over the rest of us. To do it, Vice President Cheney and
Senate Republican leader Bill Frist are threatening to use what they
call the "nuclear option"-a parliamentary maneuver to overturn the
200-year-old tradition that all judges have broad support in Congress.
MoveOn PAC and the Coalition for a Fair and Independent Judiciary are
organizing a massive national wave of protest to stop them,
culminating with emergency rallies across the country on Wednesday,
April 27, at 5 PM (or earlier in a few cities).
This is an "all hands on deck" moment, and we need everyone to turn
out and be counted.
Portland Rally to Stop the Judicial Takeover
27 Apr 12:00 noon
Gus G. Solomon United States Court House.
We'll gather outside the Court House to send a message to Sen. Gordon
Smith that he shouldn't side with the radical Republican agenda over
the concerns of Oregonians.
No to "Free Trade" and CAFTA Rally
*Come to a rally and public forum and tell our public officials:
Fair Trade, not CAFTA.
Monday, May 2nd, 8:30 am (sharp)
University of Portland, Buckley Center
5000 N. Willamette*
*On May 2, Rep. Earl Blumenauer and Sen. Gordon Smith will hold a
public forum on trade and globalization. This is the first -- and
possibly last-chance to voice opposition to the Central America
Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) directly to our elected
representatives before it Congress votes on it. CAFTA extends the
destructive NAFTA to Central America and has "trade in services"
provisions that go even beyond NAFTA in perpetuating the race to
the bottom.
Portland JWJ and CBLOC will rally before the forum with organized
labor, environmental groups, and small farmers to send a positive
message to our Reps. in DC: "We CAN legislate trade deals that
respect workers' rights and protect the environment, but CAFTA
doesn't cut it. Vote No on CAFTA!"
*For more information, call 503-236-7916 *
Washington News: 4/25/05
Lawmakers OK bump in gas tax of 9.5 cents
Microsoft retreating in fear of red state retribution
In The Northwest: Rating the region's environmental activist groups
Cantwell urges hearings on Patriot Act
Downwinders' Hanford claim goes to trial
Legislature OKs 'sin' and estate taxes
House passes election reform bills
Gas tax squeaks through
Budget will be a boon for the state, Gregoire says
The Democrat-dominated Legislature finishes on time
Wal-Mart or Wal-Mart lite?
Legislators top off session with gas tax hike
Election reform bills await pen
Bill would require drug companies to detail gifts
Oregon News: 4/25/05
Mannix Blasts Kulongoski's PGE Stand
Laws make following the money difficult
Bill makes drug firms disclose gifts to doctors
Bill would give Justice Dept. oversight of DHS abuse cases
Measure 37 questions, if not answers, will be aired
Rep. Hooley to tout education tax break
Social Security plan foes seek help from GOP Sen. Smith
Walker considers seeking top office
Forest service sells sites to meet budget demands
Funding Cuts Affect Youth Gang Programs
Oregon might brand lumber with green seal of approval
Senate sends construction budget to the Governor
State hunts cougar that others claim could be saved
Ore. legislators face touchy issues of alimony, paternity
Wash. state House passes gas tax hike
Universities, students expecting more from their high schools
Friday, April 22, 2005
Washington News: 4/22/05
State Senate strikes down gay-rights bill
Gay rights measure rejected by Senate
Seattle leads 'green' wave in building
In the Northwest: Environmental hearing may be deaf to dissent
Lawmakers OK citizens oil-spill council
House approves 'sin' taxes
Construction budget includes $619 million for schools
Microsoft backs off gay-rights support
Senate boosts access to government
Senate rejects anti-discrimination bill
State child welfare chief forced to resign
Senators confirm new Ecology chief
Oregon News: 4/22/05
Speakers rally around filibuster
House OKs far-ranging energy bill
Oregon lagging in pre-K funding
Pact saves Intel millions in taxes
Senators go ahead on bill to buy PGE
State's next Fortune 500 could come from OSU
Court cuts price of a peek at public records
Governor signs bill to help unemployed workers
Senate panel rejects bill to ban concealed weapons in schools
Beaverton School Board will tackle money issues
Bill would channel unspent state money to schools fund
High bids cloud dredging plan
Student cartoon draws ire, vow of unity
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Washington News: 4/21/05
10 Seattle schools targeted for closure
Senate passes $8 billion road bill
State faulted on felon voting
Planners make blueprint for green space
Mail-in ballot bill goes to governor
Medical marijuana on trial
State's sexual abstinence campaign targets teenagers
State's population booming
State Senate OKs higher gas tax
Gregoire puts controversy aside
Auto emissions measure passes, but legality in doubt
Bill allowing all-mail voting awaits governor’s signature
Democrats to restore rule on fund-raising
Gregoire acts quickly to make her mark
Oregon News: 4/21/05
Fili-bluster on the Senate filibuster
Kulongoski gets behind city's PGE bid
Poll: Balance rights, land use
Bill would cap school departees' compensation
Bill would require breast-feeding area
Committee OKs farmworker bill
Schools backers appeal to legislators
Schools service district keeps shifting its gears
Seniors, advocates fight proposed cuts
Mannix's Moonlighting
Oregon considers 4 plans to widen part of I-5
Plan cuts help for homeless, adds kindergarten classes
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Washington News: 4/20/05
GOP analysis gives Rossi 100-vote win
Court agrees Arco biased against Sikh-owned contractor
In the Northwest: 'Water is at top of the international agenda, finally'
State Senate approves new estate tax
Public gets chance to query governor
Homeless-relief bill sent to governor
Democrats to restore rule on fund-raising
Legislator is in two big battles
Some area Catholics are optimistic; others say Ratzinger is out of touch
Land-use map for Spokane Valley future unveiled
Oregon News: 4/20/05
Wyden says "No more net taxes"
House passes bill allowing daily pledge
Lawmakers push for higher interstate speed limits
Abortion bill reaches state House for vote
Bill would expand in-home aid program for seniors
Governors seek student opinions
Oregon's gambling revenue could dip
Governor urges lawmakers to pass bonding program
Mannix apologizes for Saxton criticism
Reserve fund may increase
State outlines childhood-obesity school plan
Gay man wins gender bias suit
Walden Urges Renewable Energy Development for radar site
School panel wants study of outsourcing
Editorial: Con. Hooley's faulty arguments
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Oregon News: 4/19/05
Local Bush helpers, Bordonaro & McCormick, get ambassador offers
Political Notebook
Congressman Blumenauer celebrates Earth Day 2005
Gene Derfler: End public power play over PGE
Report card shows Oregon is average
Bill to cut income threshold panned
Mannix's criticism of potential rival upset some in GOP
Only 27% of local seniors earn state CIMs in 2004
AL Franken comes to Portland
Bill proposes higher rural speed limits
Galizio votes for tax incentive for high-tech R & D
Three dozen meth bills submitted this session
Group endorses salmon-recovery plan
Monday, April 18, 2005
Oregon News: 4/18/05
Schools' reserve funds may affect budget talks
Cultural-competency bill hits roadblock
Hard-nosed bargaining slows tribe's casino plan
Old-growth forests gain ground
Analysts predict agencies will pay more into PERS
Bills pave way for medical volunteers
Salmon season looks great for sport, not for business
Teachers needn't advocate equality
City abandons mixed-use zone
Meeting to focus on the effects of Measure 37
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Washington News: 4/16/05
Getting a university degree with community ease
Democrats in Olympia mostly get their way
Marie Bernard, 1936-2005: Longtime activist was 'peace worker'
Uproar over Seattle U's choice
Legislature wants its MTV tax
Senators to drop exemptions
House OKs bill for tax hikes to pass by a simple majority
Budget ax swings into forests
Author Carl Safina will deliver Earth Day lecture at PLU
Nonprofit Latino group’s leader will leave to return to Mexico
Bill could return lost voting rights to some
Senate votes to reverse 2003 unemployment reform
Measure to shift primary dies in Senate for now
Oregon News: 4/16/05
Monaco Coach to cut 500 jobs
Governor questions grazing on national monument
County rocks in backwash of court ruling
Readers' reactions to gay-marriage ruling run gamut
Legislature will be next arena for the gay marriage fight
Smith and Wyden annouce drought support
State's Latino voting draws national attention
Battle against gay marriage being fought state by state
Senate considers bill to allow Vioxx, Bextra victims to sue
Friday, April 15, 2005
Washington News: 4/15/05
Same-sex marriages voided in Oregon
In the Northwest: Religious rightists using scary tactics to pad courts
Bill would study whether state's high minimum wage is a good thing
Gregoire signs bill allowing pregnant women to divorce
Wildfire regulations go into effect today
Small counties grow faster than big ones
Budgets try to fix mental testing backlog
House approves reform of mental health care
Gregoire signs legislation that helps Puyallup farm
Senate passes bill that gives counties ballot option
Oregon News: 4/15/05
Court annuls gay marriages
Kulongoski urges hold on timber sales
Multnomah County stands by its decision for licenses
Court voids vows
Court clarifies grounds for mental illness
Governor unveils global warming fight
Albany senator Morse supports civil unions
Gay marriage debate shifts to civil-union bill
Group urges Senate to extend deadline to sue Vioxx, Bextra manufacturers
INSIDE THE CAPITOL: Race for Governor
Land-use ruling sets stage for rural mall
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Oregon News: 4/14/05
McIntire plans for a state spending cap
Kulongoski signs bills to simplify business
Budget debate hits the road
Five plans to cut global warming are announced
Itax moves more smoothly
Oregon Supreme Court to rule on gay marriage
Leaders push for civil unions
Legislators debate education standards
Oregon’s community colleges urge legislators to increase their funding
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Washington News: 4/13/05
Bills aim to help victims of ID theft
Foss fined $577,000 over '03 oil spill
Marker sought for homeless who died
In the Northwest: Politicians in hot pursuit of -- what else? -- money
Rates for Verizon land lines going up
Murray loses VA health care effort
House decries disclosure limits
Senate to act on cold drugs
Amendment to boost veterans' health care rejected by legislators
Bechtel to announce layoffs
Oregon bill may bolster proposed ethanol plant
House balks at 'sunshine' changes
Oregon News: 4/13/05
Rep. Witt says GOP's budget would hurt schools
Schools defend reserve-fund
U.S. Forest Service considers closing Ore. park sites
Lawmakers repeal double majority
Lawmakers debate raising graduation requirements
Many fight plan to kill State Children & Families Commission
Advocates push for in-state tuition for immigrants
Rep. Barnhart: Marijuana rhetoric was off base
Wyden launches online list of drought resources
Wyden questions spy chief nominee
Fuel factor siphons budgets
State senator denies running for governor
Legislators invite comments from public
Political Notebook
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Washington News: 4/12/05
Covered marinas must beef up fire safety
Military recruiters under fire at Garfield
Bill to regulate stem-cell research rejected by Senate
Groups want money for nukes shifted to Hanford cleanup
Proposed independent audit of King election office gains allies
House panel proposes gas-tax increases
Washington one of 14 states accused of excessive Medicaid claims
Plans for health cuts stir alarm
Gas hits new high, no end in sight
Tacoma Power takes Air Force to federal court
Town hall meeting to follow City Council at middle school
State Senate passes amended public records bill
Asparagus growers lobby feds for tariffs
DOE to slash Hanford, group claims
Oregon News: 4/12/05
Sen. Walker sets her site on governor
Democrats criticize pharmaceutical-liability bill
Bill would regulate whitewater river guides
Democrats criticize Republican's support of pharmaceutical bill
Tough talking on PGE begins
DA’s office rethinks drug-free-zone bans
Governor kicks off hunger awareness week
Governor Declares Drought In Six Counties
Required mandatory sentence law hard to alter
Governor Kulongoski and lawmakers differ over tuition plan
PDX ready to divvy $7.1 million pie
State hires Francesconi to help schools
Wage pressures force real incomes to retreat
Bureaucracy at root of fight with City Hall
Internet brings phones to classroom
California revisits assisted suicide
House Passes Unemployment Benefits Extension
Bill may ban force-feeding ducks, geese to make paté
Oregon's jobless rate dips to 6.2 percent in March
Phil Stanford: PDX's clean money scheme
Today's Statehouse schedule
Monday, April 11, 2005
Washington News: 4/11/05
Outside panel to scrutinize King County voting
Assaults in military go unreported for a variety of reasons
King County elections chief took job to 'clean it up'
Levy could add $12 million a year for Renton's Valley Medical
Who will stand up for gay rights? Anyone?
In The Northwest: Passports won't plug leak in our northern border
Swan deaths attributed to lead shot rise sharply
Oil leak from sunken fishing boat near Shilshole stopped
Legislative sleight of hand?
State voter rolls get digital upgrade
Oregon News: 4/11/05
Oregon leaders split on tuition
Senator tries to keep guns from schools
Bills draw new avenues for driver's license
Senate may pass breast-feeding bill
Con. Hooley to get federal relief for geese damaged crops
Today's statehouse schedule
Consul helps Mexicans who live in Oregon
Rep. Richardson: Ways & Means derailment averted
Corvallis approves social gambling in public places
S. Oregonians to air Measure 37 views
Bill lets school districts decide on guns
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Washington News: 4/10/05
House approves $26 billion budget
Governor signs bill to repeal slander law
Supreme Court justice admonished over tour
Senator likens stem-cell study to Holocaust
Gregoire signs ‘green buildings’ measure
State considers a Robin Hood tuition plan
Election reform at a glance
Threat to Seattle reported
Uncounted ballots -- and election jokes -- keep coming
Ballot reform easier said than doneBill targets malpractice
Friday, April 08, 2005
Washington News: 4/8/05
Fresh target, fresh pit bull for GOP
In The Northwest: Alaska's politicians more predatory than any wolf
State may review election in King County
State's grandparent visitation law voided
Deal gets life-sciences bill on track
Salmon fishers unhappy with state officials
Voters could decide on roads plan in fall 2006
Oregon News: 4/8/05
All-hour school speed zone up for review by lawmakers
Oregon senators take bipartisan approach
Bill aims to block costly perks for school officials
Deadline worry delays same-sex union bills
Ex-Saif leader agrees to settle lobbying allegations
Metro may pitch in for habitat effort
Portland takes up campaign financing
Bills would trade tax breaks, jobs
House votes to raise estate-tax exemption
Annual debate about state CIM/CAM tests resumes
Bill would limit districts' carryover abilities
Cutting the party from partisanship
Political Notebook
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Washington News: 4/7/05
U.S. court upholds extending enlistments
SUVs still reign, but hybrids make inroads
State Senate approves Sunday liquor sales
Gorton slams election officials
New monorail could be delayed a year
Socialist candidate can conceal donors' names
House Democrats' budget aids education
Legislature passes pregnant-divorce bill
Oregon News: 4/7/05
Texas Pacific abandons PGE bid
Hillsboro retirement bonus entices few teachers
Partisan rift stymies budget process
Medford considers car rental tax
Ringo's land-use plan gets icy reaction
Measure to adopt federal income tax changes wins approval from House
Students grill Oregon lawmaker about bill
Bill lets state profit on 'forgotten' funds
Bill would ban some convicts from college football field
Forced annexations' next step: appeals
Immigrant-tuition bill moves forward
Linn: No money for Measure 37 claims
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Washington News: 4/6/05
New voting woes surface -- in levy balloting
Senate thwarts gay-rights bill
Bid to expand life-sciences research hits resistance
State must pay live-in care workers
Protection for Sound's steelhead to be considered
Governor, tribes in Oregon agree on Gorge casino
Tulalips' bid for share of sales tax dies in Senate
Orca might become state mammal
Court to hear challenge to election May 23
Oregon News: 4/6/05
Bill opens teachers' sex-abuse records
Schools save for rainy day
Sen. Smith declines attack on courts (Schiavo)
State says that Union-Baker ESD fails standards
Oregon says yes to gorge casino
Speaker Minnis: Plan can stabilize school funds, avoid budget battle
Republicans walk from budget panel over school money
Budget writers trying to save senior programs
Governor quashes wage freeze for some
Kulongoski won't oust officials over lottery plan
Bill eases switch to Guard from school
Political Notebook
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Washington News: 4/5/05
Senate plan for gas tax increase unveiled
Shipping line that polluted Columbia fined $25 million
King County election chief under fire
Districts woo homeschooled
Professor says global warming could trigger monsoons here
U.S. plan for Hanford reactor questioned
Teacher, student in trouble for Web site
Uncounted ballots discovered
Gas-tax backers count votes
Oregon News: 4/5/05
Willamette Week journalist wins a Pulitzer Prize
Lawmakers can't agree on school funding
ESD-plan inertia disappoints lawmaker
Governor forms trust fund for restoration projects
Governor Kulongoski At Forefront Of Meth War
Graduation bill gets held back
Senator outlines end-of-life-care proposals
Wyden says don't alter assisted-suicide law
Cuts loom for schools, agencies that serve youths
Legislators want to look at highway plan again
Monday, April 04, 2005
Washington News: 4/4/05
Foie gras leaves activists with a bad taste
Seattle mourners gather at St. James to remember, pray
Legislature ready to reinstate estate tax
In The Northwest: Oregon still reeling from Goldschmidt sex scandal
Tulalips' bid to collect sales tax from Quil Ceda gains support
Washington eases difficult end-of-life decision-making
More groups want a license to earn cash
Smoke ’em if … they’re cigars?
After-school programs face cuts
Many fear mixing of politics, religion
Oregon News: 4/4/05
Oregon still reeling from Goldschmidt sex scandal
Legislation would reintroduce hound hunting for cougars
Oregon bills call for CIM, CAM cut
Corvallis may ban smoking in public parks
Districts target home schoolers for more money
ESDs may not be consolidated
Governor to testify at state pharmacy board
Legislators want to re-examine highway program
Rep. Richardson: Long Term Care Options for Seniors
Bills aim to reduce junk food in schools
Hotel owners say Bush visit left them with unpaid bills
Anti-abortion groups emerge in Oregon
Portland crowd weighs in on city budget plans
Senator Ringo: Please meddle in my affairs
Statement by Gov. on death of Pope
Today's Capitol schedule
Eugene's new gas tax
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Washington News: 4/3/05
Pope praised for reaching out to other faiths
House OKs bill to aid seasonal jobless
House panel passes election overhaul
New prison in Senate building plan
County Democrats meeting will take on job outsourcing
Former Superior Court judge appointed to tax appeals board
Many fear mixing of politics, religion
Libertarian Party to hold convention in Richland
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Friday, April 01, 2005
Oregon News: 4/1/05
Parties bicker about schools
Senate considers revisions to property-compensation law
Political Notebook
SAIF officials again defend operations
State Senate considers revising teen license law
House Republicans fight teacher-certification bill
Democrats put figure for schools in spotlight
INSIDE THE CAPITOL: Race for Governor
Opponents of double majority move forward