Monday, April 25, 2005

Oregon: Three Upcoming Political Rallies

Rally for Social Security in Portland

The fight to save Social Security is tilting our way, but it's far
from over. So, here's another opportunity to have your voice heard on
the issue, at a key moment.

On Tuesday, April 26, 2005, Oregon United to Protect Social Security
is organizing a large rally in Portland to coincide with the Senate
Finance Committee's hearing discussing proposals to privatize Social
Security in Washington, DC. In addition to the rally in Portland,
rallies will be held in over 30 states and Washington, DC on that
day. By attending the rally we can make it clear to our members of
Congress that Social Security privatization is wrong and unacceptable.

Oregon United to Protect Social Security's Rally for Social Security
in Portland

Date: Tuesday, April 26th, 2005 Time: 12:00 PM

Location: Outside Sen. Gordon Smith's Office, Portland World Trade
Center, 121 SW Salmon Street, Portland, OR 97204, Portland, OR 97204


Contact Information: If you have any questions or to RSVP, please
contact: Ed Yoon at 213-503-5455 or

Rally to "Stop the Judicial Takeover"


Any day now, radical Republicans are hoping to seize absolute power
to appoint Supreme Court justices who favor right-wing, corporate
interests over the rest of us. To do it, Vice President Cheney and
Senate Republican leader Bill Frist are threatening to use what they
call the "nuclear option"-a parliamentary maneuver to overturn the
200-year-old tradition that all judges have broad support in Congress.

MoveOn PAC and the Coalition for a Fair and Independent Judiciary are
organizing a massive national wave of protest to stop them,
culminating with emergency rallies across the country on Wednesday,
April 27, at 5 PM (or earlier in a few cities).

This is an "all hands on deck" moment, and we need everyone to turn
out and be counted.

Portland Rally to Stop the Judicial Takeover

27 Apr 12:00 noon

Gus G. Solomon United States Court House.

We'll gather outside the Court House to send a message to Sen. Gordon
Smith that he shouldn't side with the radical Republican agenda over
the concerns of Oregonians.

No to "Free Trade" and CAFTA Rally

*Come to a rally and public forum and tell our public officials:
Fair Trade, not CAFTA.
Monday, May 2nd, 8:30 am (sharp)
University of Portland, Buckley Center
5000 N. Willamette*

*On May 2, Rep. Earl Blumenauer and Sen. Gordon Smith will hold a
public forum on trade and globalization. This is the first -- and
possibly last-chance to voice opposition to the Central America
Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) directly to our elected
representatives before it Congress votes on it. CAFTA extends the
destructive NAFTA to Central America and has "trade in services"
provisions that go even beyond NAFTA in perpetuating the race to
the bottom.

Portland JWJ and CBLOC will rally before the forum with organized
labor, environmental groups, and small farmers to send a positive
message to our Reps. in DC: "We CAN legislate trade deals that
respect workers' rights and protect the environment, but CAFTA
doesn't cut it. Vote No on CAFTA!"

*For more information, call 503-236-7916 *


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