Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Oregon News: 5/31/05

Lawmakers rush to disclose previous trips
Sen. Smith sits above filibuster fray
Protester nears end of first day in Hood River tree
Former prostitutes can't become teachers
State likely to siphon medical pot fees
As landscape shifts, Oregon struggles to protect farmland
Budget troubles mean hiring struggle
Today's statehouse schedule
Iris blossoms brighten spirits, soothe tempers in Senate

Washington News: 5/31/05

Election challenge trial, week two: Democrats defend election
State elections director biased, GOP suggests
Hazardous material scare investigated
Democrats set to defend state election

Monday, May 30, 2005

Oregon News: 5/30/05

Remembering Oregon's heroes on Memorial Day
Oregon lawmakers scramble to tackle meth
Wal-Mart takes on Oregon only way it can: it'll change
Eugene City Beat: Transgender law proposal to get airing

Washington News: 3/30/05

By law, manufactured homes are now welcome everywhere
Tacoma broke law in meeting about initiative
Conservatives’ efforts tilt balance of power to the right

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Oregon News: 5/15/05

Lobbyists and lackeys cripple the Legislature
Traditional city taxes on phone lines being lost to cellular-phone users
Liquefied gas projects energize opposition
Political Notebook
Opponents launch campaign against civil union bill
Oregon gets taste of '90s booming economy
Study: Forests can't support logging plan
Raising gas taxes tough sell to voters

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Oregon News: 5/14/05

Senate passes school budget
Columbia dredging plan hits snag
Legislature's checkbook grows
New technology untangles state's road projects
OR Lawmakers Vow To Fight Rumsfeld's Plan
Leonard: Votes exist to pass cell phone tax
Union opposes citizen review

Washington News: 5/14/05

Portland eyes tax on cell phones
Some waste allowed to go to Hanford
Female officer wins $800,000 settlement in discrimination suit
Each party’s experts claim win

Friday, May 13, 2005

Oregon News: 5/13/05

Opponents speak out on water bill
2 families in Measure 37 fight get Oregon's OK to develop
Airport bill faces political turbulence
Dredging plan hurting for cash, time
Mayor won't sign letter urging USA Patriot Act changes
Expert sees low-cost child-welfare fixes
Pooling health plans will save money, governor says
Fetal-homicide legislation passes House

Washington News: 5/13/05

In the Northwest: Indo-Canadians overcome setbacks to gain clout
Wild, wild West case a study in hypocrisy
Closing arguments heard on Hanford
State law enforcement to get feds' help
State's water situation still poor
Meeting gives people a chance to talk with public officials

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Oregon News: 5/12/05

City board votes to sue state over wages
Program gives a hand for a home
No decision reached about driver's licenses
Most readers in favor of implementing driver’s license law
Linn voters offered Spanish ballots
Timber towns get federal lift
Funding is cut off for aide to elderly
Panel OKs a larger budget to cover costs
District attorney plans to ignore small crimes
DHS clients were overpaid, audit shows

Washington News: 5/12/05

Spokane city attorney calls for outside investigations of mayor
King County Housing Authority cuts more than 4,000 from waiting list
Last call on timber plan for saving salmon
Fishing industry suffers with salmon runs at historic low
Audits to scrutinize how state agencies perform
House GOP may shake up leadership
State joins others with bill targeting meth ingredients
Initiative planned to overturn gas tax
New laws aim to watch how state spends money
Fluoridation fight lives on
Emotions high on housing for the at-risk
Election officials receive citations
State adds anti-meth measures
Complaint prompts school probe
Gregoire signs accountability measures

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Oregon News: 5/11/05

House OKs ban on gun damage lawsuits
Blueprint drawn for land-use/Measure 37 overhaul
Political Notebook
Senators announce victim assistance grant
State budget update
Senate panel OKs school funds
Senate passes watered-down junk food bill
Educators target Republicans’ tax-break proposals
Democrats advance education budget
Bills would expand child health coverage
Critics rally to oppose Westlund over same-sex issue
U.S. bill will alter Oregon's ID rules
Pesticide reaching streams, group says
Today's statehouse schedule

Washington News: 5/11/05

Locke weighs in on election
State rules out new hospital in Issaquah
In the Northwest: Going negative in politics goes north to Canada
Gregoire signs law to help problem gamblers

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Oregon News: 5/10/05

House OKs capital gains tax cut
Undocumented, under siege
Bill extends lawsuit rights of Vioxx users
Bill would aid victims of domestic violence
House GOP Pass Two Bills to Help Oregon's Economy
Senate takes steps to improve healthcare
Blumenauer Announces Opposition to CAFTA
Congresswoman Hooley's good cause
Al Franken headlines Portland democratic event
Political Notebook
Sprawl still the rule as "new urbanism" struggles to catch on
Today's Legislative schedule
Oregon, Washington seek delay in U.S. ruling on coho protection
Gov. signs Wash. gas tax bill to help fund new Vancouver bridge
Law of little help to churches
Phil Stanford: PDC, Clean Money campaign & more

Washington News: 5/10/05

Felons vote Democratic, national study says
Theories abound on voting by felons
Gas tax signed and maligned
Gregoire commits state to helping problem gamblers

Monday, May 09, 2005

Oregon News: 5/9/05

Same-sex marriage opponents want county to pay legal fees
Senate gives rights to video voyeurism victims
Bill could help victims of domestic violence escape
Tribes buy into political process
Backers may revise civil unions measure
‘Choose Life’ License Plates?
Today's Statehouse schedule
E-mails agree with mayor on prayer breakfast

Washington News: 5/9/05

Gregoire signs bill requiring cleaner vehicles
In The Northwest: In B.C., ruling party's 'gold' looks a lot like poop
Former governor’s candidate will speak on election reform

Friday, May 06, 2005

Oregon News: 5/6/05

Senate Democrats unveil new spending plan
Smith builds stature with risky stand against party
Four land rulings; a mess to go
Bush team asks states to rethink forest land
Governor's comments on revised budget
House passes bill that would reverse school speed-zone law
Lawsuit seeks to block proposed Gorge casino
Beer tax hike proposed again
Governor sued over proposed casino
Smith treads carefully about Social Security at workshop
Senate budget chief holds ground on school funds
Land law is not burden to religion, high court rules
Civil unions bill generates emotional six-hour debate
Elected officials, religious leaders gather for National Day of Prayer
Political Notebook
Students march against racism

Washington News: 5/6/05

Gay sex scandal rocks Spokane
Residents fear fallout of school closures
Did Spokane paper act properly?
Parents dig in for long battle against school-closure plan
To kids, adults, it was police brutality
Strip club ban likely to endure
Gray whale apparently had starved
Canadian drug bill signed
Candidates have private lives, too, they tell forum
State’s forest plan left to Gregoire

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Oregon News: 5/5/05

Sen. Smith: Trip To Ireland May Have Violated Ethics Rules
Favor, fury on gay-rights legislation
Budget officials react to school spending plan
Eugene mayor says she'll skip prayer breakfast
Oregon bill targets speeders who surpass 100 mph
Schools consider random drug tests
Vermont lawmaker urges Oregon to enact civil union legislation
Today's Statehouse schedule
City agency's no-bid work concerns Potter
Capitol Update: House to vote to protect gun rights from lawsuits
Governor stirs from behind budget curtain
Campaign finance bill passes House panel
Senate OKs bill millions of years in the making

Washington News: 5/5/05

Council's Republicans seek ouster of elections director
Commission tightens ethics rules
Whale dies after getting trapped under Navy pier
Tobacco foes decry diversion of funds
Gig Harbor could get tax breaks to offset tollSmith opposes free-trade bill

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Oregon News: 5/3/05

House limits fees for public information
Sen. Smith, Rep. Blumenauer criticize Potter about task force
Battle brewing over civil unions
Senate clears bill to put teeth in no-call list
Senate Dems continue to fight for school funds
Smith honored for legislation to prevent suicides
Political Notebook
Workers urge rejection of free-trade pact
Today's Statehouse schedule
Washington GOP handed an important victory in election challenge
Blumenauer and Smith Host Trade Forum
Portland school board candidates for Zone 5 differ on temporary tax
Salem Conf. Center wage rift prompts state suit
Minnis may reshuffle budget deck
State budget talks between House and Senate hit skids
613,000 Oregonians lack insurance
Forum to address policies about gays
‘Living room’ for homeless hits bricks
OT ruling goes against Farmers
Sen. Smith deserves tonight’s award

Washington News: 5/3/05

GOP wins key issue, keeps alive vote suit
Parents angry over Seattle schools plan that ends open enrollment
King County sets rules for tent city permit
Lobbying firm paid for part of Dicks trip, violating ethics rules
Dicks runs afoul of travel rule
GOP gets to count contest its way
Elections manager will speak at Republican club’s meeting
$69,000 in new fines for Grant County farmer
Valley to vote on annexing to library district
Richland reactor shut down for good
More in Oregon lack health insurance
Montana wind farm plans set in motion
CH2M Hill Hanford to study health

Monday, May 02, 2005

Oregon News: 5/2/05

Mexican residents gain ID benefits
Why we don’t run for office
Wood Village utters the once unthinkable: city sales tax
Workers, supporters turn out for Portland May Day parade
Governor proclaims Transportation Safety Month
Scientist who saw old growth in new light wins award
Cultural Competency: Defended?
Group seeks public input about health care
Wu's letter to Norton riles local officials
Construction-work law raises questions
Daily pledge sought in schools
Ore. lawmakers designate breast-feeding rooms
Senator Wyden to hold town hall meetings

Washington News: 5/2/05

Pastor holds the line on gay unions
In election struggle, Kerry rides again to Gregoire's aid
GOP tries to make election case
Lawyer's suit an unfunny affair for taxpayers
In The Northwest: Kerry's back and, he tells the P-I, in 'fighting mood'
Thousands march to raise money for preemies
Governor battle back in court
Building ban on homes lifted
Ex-governor steps in for first lady
Lakewood council favors $100 gift limit
Access to Care seeks out those with medical needs
Lawmakers bring home the bacon
Republican group warns of takeover by extremists

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Oregon News: 5/1/05

Is Fareless careless?
Cops keep an eye out for May Day mayhem
Governor wants 4-year university for Bend region
Area representative says he champions 'people-first' language
May Day march in downtown
Proponents of gay rights pursue civil unions bill

Washington News: 5/1/05

Legislature loads up governor’s to-do box
Schools to trim $12.6 million