Oregon News: 5/2/05
Mexican residents gain ID benefits
Why we don’t run for office
Wood Village utters the once unthinkable: city sales tax
Workers, supporters turn out for Portland May Day parade
Governor proclaims Transportation Safety Month
Scientist who saw old growth in new light wins award
Cultural Competency: Defended?
Group seeks public input about health care
Wu's letter to Norton riles local officials
Construction-work law raises questions
Daily pledge sought in schools
Ore. lawmakers designate breast-feeding rooms
Senator Wyden to hold town hall meetings
Unless some immeadiate measures are taken to protect our state Oregon will become just like California - in extreme debt due to the illegal population growing. I just don't understand why voters don't vote the idiots out of office that promote criminals, yes - illegal aliens are criminals, from coming to our state. As criminals they have no problem committing more crimes.
Just watch the crime increase in direct proportion to the illegal population increasing. Watch the names of those that are caught - more and more latinos, more and more illegals. No, I'm not racist - just an observer of reality. Check the prison population, check out California. It's coming to Oregon next.
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