Sunday, November 05, 2006

Oregon: Dropping Your Ballot Off--Too Late To Send by U.S. Mail

If you live in Oregon and haven't already mailed in your ballot and it is November 5th, it is too late for you to send it by U.S. Mail--Postmark does not matter. You will need to drop it off at one of the ballot drop sites in your county by 8:00 pm on Tuesday, November 7th.

You can find a list of locations by county: HERE.

Should you have any questions regarding your ballot, you can call the toll-free voter information line at 1-866-ORE-VOTES (1-866-673-8683) or use the TTY line, if you’re hearing impaired, at 1-866-350-0596. Elections representatives are available, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm – or you can log onto the Oregon State Elections website and look for your answers there anytime at

You can also read the article in the Oregonian that could help answer some of your questions:

Lost your ballot? Using a black pen? (Don't) Made a boo-boo on a bubble?
Here are the answers to help you fill out your ballot and vote

Saturday, November 04, 2006

It's crunch time, voters. You must turn in your ballot before Tuesday's 8 p.m. deadline.
But wait. You still have questions about how to vote by mail. Or you made a mistake marking your ballot. What to do?

We called the experts at the Oregon Secretary of State's office, Multnomah County Elections and even a local post office official...continue>>


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